TWX indicated that SA-16 aifcraft could be made available, upon request, by
Headquarters USAF,

This information was passed on to Joint Task Force SEVEN

who officially requested the SA-16 eircraft be furnished by Hcadquarters USAF
for the duration of the mission.

Tho PBN aircraft which wore originally

scheduled to supplant C-47 airlift to Bikini were used during the carly
period of March in checking the atolls southcast of Bikini for fall-out
and for helping in evacuating Air Force personnel and natives from these
With the contamination of the OBOE strip at Bikini denying its use
and considering a request from the Commander at Kwajalein to aid in a

search for a British Canberra which was lost in that area, a C-47 aircraft
from Task Group 7.4 was scent to Kwajalein on TDY to aid in the search.
This aircraft was returned to Eniwetok on the 12th of March after the
Bikini C-47 airlift was re-established.
On previous operations the sampling effort hed grown continuously up
to a point which indicated that cloud samples were being procured within


Capabilitics of present-day Air Force aircraft.

In order to assure

that the Air Task Group was doing all it could with equipment available in

supporting Task Group 7.1 in cloud sample collection, on the third of

wrote a letter to

of Task Group 7.1 request-

ing his opinion as to the quality of the cloud sampling effort bcing provided.

He asked specific questions concerning adequacies of aircraft,

quality of the crew training, positioning, ete.”

3 reply to this

letter indicated that, with the cquipment available, the sampling effort
had been most satisfactory.



5. TG #3-3114SRD.


reply he further indicated


Select target paragraph3