second of March,

This message further defined BRAVO Shot in torms of

initial data gained and presented a new revised schedule for remaining

Following up from the previous month's activities, Operations Order
3-54 was published on the third of March completcly covering radioactive
fall-out cvacuation plans.

This Operations Order was specifically de-

signed to cover possible evacuation of Eniwetok in case of major fall-out

from any one of the remaining shots,
In order to coordinate the Operations Order 3-54 and follow up on a
trip to Kwajalein made by

in the month of February, the

Commander, Task Group 7.4 and several staff members visited tho Commander
at Kwajalein on the fifth of March to coordinate the evacuation plan, and

discuss possible aircraft staging, contaminated aircraft parking, neccessary
maintenance and allied work load.”

Contamination of TARE/OBOE airstrip at Bikini, which precluded aircraft from using the strip, secmed to delay preparation for the second
shot considerably.

Although two PEM aircraft were furnished by Task Group

7.3 for operational control of Task Group 7.4, these two aircraft were considered inadequate to furnish the airlift required for timely pursuit of
the ROMEO mission,

Anticipating a nced for additional amphibious airersft,

General Estes forwarded a TWX to

of AFSWC cxplaining

thesituation and requesting that he informally check on the availability
of SA-16 aircraft which may be loaned to Joint Task Force SVEN for the

romainder of the mission in the forward area.
l. TG 7.4 Msg: 3-2817SRD,



Trip Rept on Kwajalein Visit, dtd 9 har 54, TG 3-3016S,

TG 7.4 Msg:



in a returning

Select target paragraph3