Task Group 7.4 roll-up was hand-carricd to Joint Task Force SEVEN on the

Luediately subsequent to the Ku.V0 shot, TG 7.1 desired to offect
recovery of tho firing party on NAN Island and of samples at verious other

Duc to tho high levels of contc1iination at those points, it was

impossible to accomplish these uissions through lancinzs on nornally
designated holicopter landing points,

Success demanded landings in close

proxinity to the bunkers and necsurercnt stations,

No one eboard tho cou

mand ship know whether or not these creas wero sufficiently safe to permit

For Eniwotok shots, TG 7.4 would be rosponsible fer hclicoptcr

Honee, inorder to ascortain tho-dogree of safetywhich night be

oxpocted in naking landings near bunkers and neasurenént stations at ©

Uniwetok, Cormander, TG 7.4 had conference with J~3, 7,1 to obtain information on all such landings which night be necessary ofter proposed

Eniwctok shots.
Cn tho 9th March,

.tado a survoy of all these proposed Eniwetok heli-

copter lamling sites.
Task Group 7.1 was informed of construction or clearing work which was
to be accomplished at cach of certain of these sites in order to onke then


The remaincer were approved for use,

ill helicopter pilots at

Eniwetok were then bricfcd on cach of these sites.

On the third of Merch, one (1) of tho airlift rBi's when tcking off
at Bikini, damaged a wins float.

This take-off was not considered a cod

one by Task Group 7,3, therefcre, on ten rarch Task Group 7,3 requested
that the two (2) PEM aircraft ond crews bo removed from operational control

Select target paragraph3