the proccdures there,

On 5 March, NM _

» accompenicd by the

OIC of the ir Force Comwnications Center at Kwajalcin, visitcd the
Joint Relay Center at Enivetok and settled nost of the differences,

it 0930 hours, N tinc,6 March, a necting was held at the Corrmnicctions
Elenent, Test Services Unit at Eniwctok,

Thost attonding wore

Commander, Com -unications Elencnt;

; #8sistant Con—

munications Officer, Task Group 7.43

Kwajalcin; I

1960th “u.CS Squadron,

gy Operations Officcr, Corsmnicctions Elenent and },

1808th i.CS

ling, Tokyo, Japan,

I _

stated that

the difficultics were narrowed down to three items as follows; (1)

Since the SIGTOT-SiiSON cquipmcnt on Channel two of the multiplex radioteletyne circuit to Kwajelcin was not running continuously, the personnel

of the Joint Relay Center could not tcll whon the channel was operationcl.
It was agreed that the SIGTOT tapes would be run continously cxecpt when
he circuit was log-cd as "out" by the tcchniccl controller maintaining the
rultiplex cquipnent.

The running of the SIGTOT contincusly had been

agreed upon during Janucry.

However, duc to technical and refatouance

difficultics, the habit was forned of having onc sido of tho duplcx

channel idle when the other side was operating. (2)


cquipnent at Kwajalcin wes instellcd in an on-line crypto room which was
separate fron the tclotype relay centor,
were ugodinthe on-line crypto room.

On-line sersmiible proccdures

The use of tape rclay proccaurcs

at the Joint Relay Center (Eniwotok) and on-line preecdurcs was causing
considerable gonfusion,

It was cgrecd that tape relay proecdurcs wow.d

be uscd at both terminations.

Since equipment was not available in the



Select target paragraph3