
simaltancously with the Tone.

Of course, the two trans-itters hetc~

rodyned in the aircraft receivers,

In addition, the tape itself was su

ject to much criticism bccause there was not - count down between the
five scconc worning and the minuto Tone.
taken aftor [Cil0.

Inmmcdiate corrective action was

4 new t-apo was cut incerporating the count down and

superimposing the Tene Signal right on the tape.

Task Group 7.1 person-

nel egreed that cxpericnce had proven that the tape could be run indopendently of the scquenee tincr and still renain syncronizcd with other

Other than the abeve, there were no cormunic-tions fcilurcs,


cquipnent functioned without exception and cormuniic.tions wore available
to everyone when necded.

ROTO joined BRAVO in being cxccptionally

satisfactery clcectronicc-wisc.
Communications Security

On 2 and 3 threch


: of the

Director of Operaticns Office, 1808tn “U.CS Wing, Tckyo, visited Headquarters, Task Greup 7.4,


During the visit,

4 requested

+ visit the Joint Relay Center (Enivetok) which was

operated by Task Group 7.2 (irny).

‘was inforncd that

ecoeiderable difficultics had been oncountered and that local cucrdi-

nat on with the Jir Forec Corr:unicntions Center at Kwajalcin had failcd
to solve then.
actailed }

on being informed of this situaticn,
3 to investigate the mitter and coordinate with

all ALCS Units involvcd and the Joint Relay Center,

situation ot Eniwctok,


Aftcr studying the

procccded to Kwajalcin and revicucd

Select target paragraph3