Communicctions on ROIZO "Dey" wore nomial,

The Task Group was

fortunste in this one res» ct: practically all fncilitics used on

shot day were in use on all othcr days,

The Rongerik honer wes turncd

on the day Before and functioned satisfactorily.
of coursc, was also uscd only on shot days.

from 2617322 to 2621542,

The VHF relay circuit,

This circuit was operational

During this period, automatic voice rclay

botween the CIC and the 40C wes effective 63 percent of the tinc and

manual voice rclay was available 100 percent of thc tinc.
Onc phenomenon observed on BRAVO Day was clso cvident on ROMEO

The kwajrlcin multinlox circuit went out inmedictcly after the

shot and remained out for several hours,

In adcition, two CW circuits

to Kwojaloin were out for an hour aftor the shot,

Indications were



thet sonic aspect of the detoncti-n was interfering with long haul cire.
cuits; Task Group 7.2 hed the samc trovble on their Honolulu circuits both wore out for at lcast an hour.

The broadcast of the voice tine script was unaatisfactory.


explanation of the mcthod used fron H-3 hours to H-15 ruinvtes, tinc
hacks wore given by manual voice from the Comm-nd Siip.

it H-15 minutes,

a prepered tape took over in conjunction with a tone signal frer the

sequence tincr, both opernting unctteonded in the bunker on NAN,


voice portion on the tepe was satisfactory, but the tone nacks on the
minute were not rcadable.

This innedictcly noticed in the CIC and


a TaskGroup 7.1 scientist grabbed a nike and gave a verbel "Hack"


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