on-line crypto rocn at Kwejelecin to ZVA miltinle addressed ncess-ges,
(the station called is ressonsible for relay or delivery to all st-tions

in lino two hcading or to st-tions indicctod) suitable equinnent for
ZVidng of messages was installed.

use of channel checks,


Confusion cxistced over the propor

It was cgreed thet the Jcint Relay Center (Eniwotok)

would noke a channel check, using operating signals ZIC (channel mmbcr
of last mcsszge transnitted to you is
last nessage received from you is

) and 27D (Channel nunber of
) overy hour on the heur and the

idr Foree Communic-tions Center (Kwajelcin) would meke channel checks
every hour on the half hour,

it 1445M hours, 6 March, a necting was held in Building 90 to
further discuss the traffic procedures ond probl.ns,
Were ?



Those cttcnding

omrmiic..tions Officer, T-sk Group 7.4;

. assistant Cormwnic:tions Officer, Task Gr-up 7.4;
, Commander, Car unic-tions Elencnt;

Joint T-sk Force SEVEN;
(TG 7.2);


» J-5 Divzsion

-, OLC, Joint Relay Center

1960th 1..CS Squadron, Kwajalcin;

Operations Officer, Communications Elencnt; and
ALCS Uing, Tokyo, Japan.

1308. th

The items nentioned in the 0930if hours

necting wore reviewed and reaffirmed.

It was stated thet ! ,


would writo cut tho proccdurcs required and furnish copics to the Jcins
Relay Center (Eniwetok) and the sir Foree Cousunic-tions Cecntcr

The subjcet of elternctc routing of unclassificd meascges

that night be held at Kwajaloin in ease both the /S/I2-1 ond SiSON

channels between Kwajalein and Hickan were out and pretection could not




Select target paragraph3