
The 100 kw dicscl genozator in Building 906 caused an undue workload
in operational prenaration.,

Upon arrival of the mein cchclon of the

Task Group in the forward arca, it was found that the unit wes in placo,
but it was not connectod to anything.

Considcrable work by the Assistant

Director of Matericl and by -.._.._

_wsonnel finally culminated

in a ono hour test run of the generator under full load on 11 March, during
which time everything worked perfectly.

As the next shot was scheduled on

13 ifarch, it was decided to postpone a 24-hour full load run until the day
succecding the shot.

Tho shot was postiponed.,

Thon, on licnday, 13 liarch,

the island of Eniwctok lost its primary power source duc to a breck in
the cable to Parry,

This hagponed a'nct 1830 hours.

Soon thereafter,

this unit was placcd in operation, was observed to be functioning vroverly
was left in the care of a vower man.

bout an hour and half later, tho

voltage started to fluctucte; the fluctuation

got stcadily worsc, and

about 0230 the next morning it was so bad that the unit was turned off,

Lator on Tucsday morning, -

ev electricians tock over, re=

scated the brushes, checked the voltage rcgulator, and sterted it up

Finally, at 1730, it was operaticnal and it took over for the

hOC, the Weather Central and the Headquarters Building.

Thon at 1630

on Wednesday, a complcte scgnent of the Rotor came loose when a 3/4

inch bolt snapned,

Naturally, the gcncrator, as such, no longer was


: took the goncrator to Parry for attonptcd

repairs and a 60 kw @icscl driven gencrator from the GCh Site was noved
to Building 90G on 19 March.



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