There was not the slightest trace of the Loran Signal,

That prticular

bad offcnder was quiskly traced to interfercnee from one of our 96C

During the remainder of the night this particular trans-

mit'cr was rouoved from the air and conditions improved,

In fact, on

14 Narch the Coast Guard Loran Stction scnt a reassuring message to the

Commander, 14th C. G. District Honoluluol The interference nover was
connlectcly crcared up, however, by a few more minor changes in antennas
and by diligent maintcnance of transnmit’crs, the in‘crfercnee did not

preclude the proper monitoring of the Loran signal.
On 10 March, the CIC called and requested that the VHF relay

circuit got off 151,2 mcgacyclcs on the REFLECTOR wircraft - 400 lcg.
No reason was given, but it was presimed thet there was interference _ «
with one of tho scitntific programs,

Fortunatcly, crystals were available

on 147.6 negecyelcs for both the BC-640 and the iN//RC-1,

The necessary

changes were made and a REFLECTOR tcst flight was meade on 12 harch,
During the flight of three and one-half hours duration, succcssful
relay voico contact was maintained bctwoeen the AOC and CIC for apnroxinately 75 percent of the tinc,

On 15 March, a message was reccived from Lt Roberts, Corr-unicctions
Officer, Task Group 7.1, stating thet for succecding shots the Racon on
NAN would remain activated through the shot period, and that the LF
homer vould be kicked on approxinatcly H/l minute by a pascing siock
uave 62

ee eee

61 ~- iiSg fr Eniwctok Loran St , to Comdr 14th C.G, Dist, DTG 1310202
62 - Hsg fr CJIF 7, DIG 0823132, Control No. 3-30192



Select target paragraph3