Communications clement personnel had gone into Rongerik by PBon R=l
to prepare the homer for 24-hour unattcnded operstion, as woll as to

open up the CW circuit to cnable a Rawinsonde team to scond out obser=
vations, “the voice time script to be broadcast from the firing bunker
was finally schcduled to be rut on one VHF channel only, as no aircraft

were to be critically positioned and it was folt that if the VHF transnittor failed, a new manual broadcast could be givon from the CIC.
Finally, the Nill Racon had been put back in operation and was scheduled
to operate unattended right through thc shot ncriod,.

During the successionad® Re2 Day postponenents suffered by the
Task Group, things did not stand still.

In fact, things went wronge

The first order of busincss was to sct up a EBM or SA-16 run into

- =

Rongerik on Rel Day take in three Commnmicctions personnel, a


Rewinsonde tcam and a radsafe monitor.


This trip was faithfully sct

up cach day, and just as faithfulJy cancelled cach night.

This, of

course, could not be prevented, but, was a product of the 24 hour dclays.
Interference reared its ugly head on Enivetok,

The victin, the

Loran Station: the transgressor, the transmitter building and it's
attendant array of antennas,

Joint Task Foree notificd us of frequcney

changes to be nade to solve the problom,©°

On the cvoning of 13 Marchy

we came up on the new frequency for circuit J-401, 2815 kilocycle,
vice 2068 kilocycles,

Very late the same night, most of the cormunications

brains-on the island were clustsred around the nonitor scope in the Loran
Station observing the beautiful green pettorn of interfecrenec,

60 ~ Msg fr CUTF 7, DIG 072310Z, Contl ilo, 3-3044C



Select target paragraph3