One change was made to the over-all camunications scheme,
Task Force scnt down a requirement for a


rad/sefe radio operator position

on circuit J-411 in the radsafe officc aboard the Command Ship.?? This
was installed by Task Group 7.3 and thc 40C sct up circuit checks starting
at 1400 on 10 March,


To give better protcction to classificd messages cnerynted in an

off-line systcm, the GODRESS (a tyne of system in which the addressees
are encrypted in the text) mcthod was used,

Duc to the addressees being

at numerous locations in the Pacific Proving Grounds, (of which the
originators of messages had no knowledge), considerable retransmission
was requircd,

Because the messages had to be deciphered before the

addressees were known, the dclay was too great to mect operational re= :


Thereforc, JTF SEVEN made a decision that the operational


necessity outwoighted sccurity and that PLLINDRESS (a tyzc of mcssage in
which the complete address is contained in the heading) method would
be used 98

The total sccurity vrotcction af orded by SIGTOT-S.iSON to

unclassified messages destined for the Zone of Interior was sacrificed
to allow altcrnate routing over non-sccured circuits. 9%

411 cormunicntions preparations were complete for ROiEO to R-l
Dey, but, the shot was nosponed bccenusc of unfavorable weather

57 - Nse fr CJTF 7, DTG 060028Z, Cont] No. 3~2964C
58 - Msg fr CJTIF 7, DTG 0800182, Contl No. TC-4717-X--U
59 - Msg fr CJTF 7, DIG 080300Z, Contl No, 3~3005C



Select target paragraph3