both of which were located within a hundred yards of the firing bunker,
ARVO day was forceast as pocr for radio propagation by the
Central Radio Propagation Laboratory,

The forecast proved to be truc;

QRN and QRMbothercd all voice and radio tclotyne circuits, but, on
the whole, communications continuity was maintaincd,.

Within three hours after the blast, the Command Ship was washing
down everything, including antennas, above decks,

Naturally, this

raised hevoc with voice and radiotclctype circuits to the ship.


addition, some indications especially from Task Groun 7,.2's long/heul
circuits, nointcd to ionospheric disturbances duc to the blast.


ever, aircraft control circuits, both voice point—to-point and airground maintained continuity,

‘Some improvising was ncecssary.


relay aircraft came through when the chips were down and the control =o

Destroycr acted as a voice relay for circuits J-407 and J-408.


The period between BRAVO and the next shot and in improvising for
the second shot. tho immediate changes necessary were to prepare the

voicc tinc VHF transmittcr, the radio be-con and the racon on NAN for
unattended operation, for, on all subsequent shots, NiN and the firing
bunker would be evacuated,
the second shot,

ilso, Rongerik would bo uninhabitcd for

On B plus seven days, the Comunicctions Elcment out

three men back on NN anc on B plus ninc days, three men temporarily
re-entered Rongorik.9©
56 —- Momo for Comdr, TG 7.4, dtd 7 Mer 54: Subj Electronic Pac for RCEO

— ai


Select target paragraph3