ifter it was in pleco, the control pancl was discovered to be nalfunctioning.



9ersonnel worked on tiis until 22 March.

Then on 23 Ifarch, tho gencrator tok over under full load and ran a
scrvice test for scven hours,

the month,

No morc trouble was cncountered during

Tho wrecked 100 kw gcncrator was shipned to Honolulu for

repair and rewinding.

Immediately after BRAVO, the 4F Controller. aboard the Control
Destroyer renortod thet thorc were insufficicnt high freqrceney trans-

nit*crs available for his purposes,

The Task Group 7.3 Operations


Order was checked and it was verificd that the Control DDE was to guard

two Jir Fores voice circuits, one Navy CW circuit, and provide a LF
radio haming beacon.

This matter was brought to the attcntion of J-5

of Headquarters, Joint Task Forec SZVEH, by tclcphone 3 Mare’,

It was

discovered that none of the destroyers in the Eniwctok arca had the
necessary capability tronsnittcr-wisc, and the problem was rcsolvod
by the Task Force Senior sir Controller when he approved using one

HF point~to-point circuit, J-407, a LF radio homing beacon, and two
VHF channols for airemft control from ths destroyer, 63, 64, 65, 66,

On 23 Morch, a message was rccecived from Cormander, Joint Task
Foreo SEVEN, rcqucsting that VHF radio cquipment be installed on T..RE

airstrip .67

It was to be operated on Channel B, 126,18 moegacycles

63 - Nsg fr CJTF 7 to CTG 7.3, DIG 0422572, Control io. 2928C
64 - ilsg fr CTG 7.3 to CJIF 7, DTG 0509152, Control "lo. 29240
65 - Msg fr CJIF @ to CTG 7.3, DTG 0723202, Control No. 3002C.

66 - iisg fr CJTF 7 DIG 171136Z, Control No. TX-15%
67 = iisg fr CJTF 7, DIG 220856


Control Ho, TX-259



Select target paragraph3