as a result of rediologicel conteminction procipit.ted by BRAVO ovent,
Rongerik Island, ono of four outlying islands usod prin-rily for weathor
roporting purposos in tho forward areca, had becomo unsato for prolonged

Curront ostimatos indiceted that its reoccupation was not

likoly to teko placd prior to 1 May 1954,

Beenuse of this cevelommont,

certain objectivos had to be accomplished and tho cxisting problens ro-


Tho objectives presonted wore cs follows:

to provide for the

interim ro-ontry of “‘ongerik and for tho ultimate re-cstablishmont of the
island's woathor reporting and support frcilitics; to insure that re-ontry
personnol recoivod naximum aveilnble protectionfron tho cffects of ralio~
logical contemination on cach ro-cntry mission; to obtain sempics of con~

taninated materials and to insure that, for radiologicel safoty re-sons
tho novenont of oach person cvacucnted was reported from the tine

ho left

Rongorik until ho doparted permanently from tho forward crea,

On 6 March,

held a conference with nenbors of tho

Hoadauartcrs staff ond ropresontatives of the Tcst Services Unit and
Weather Contre] Elomont for tho purpose of analyzing tho



voloping a suitablo plan and dotermining tho nocossary implementation
for care of tho Rongerik »ersonnel.

The conference was composcd of Gsrwel

Harmond, Commander of tho ost Services Unit; end L.
y Cormandor of tho Weethor Contrel Sloncnt.

Tho freilitios that wore

installed on Nongcrik Island wore contaminated and wore prinmcrily to wyment and cxtcnd the metcorologic7l capabilitics of Joint Tnask Forco SZVG.
Howover, tho cxisting radiologice=l hazs

puld not wrcclude visits to

Select target paragraph3