
Rongorik, provided tho pcriod of ocaipation did not cxcced rad-Safoty


It wes docidod that, during tho intorintotwceen cvacuction and

ro-ostcblishnont of Rengerik to nornzl operational status, small grouvs
of porsonnel, as ro~ontry teans or prrtics, would bo porlodically trans-

ported from Eniwotok to service, maintain and oporate, on a very limited
scale, the cquignont and facilitics which wore located on the outlying
weather islands.

Ccortcin coordination with all agoncics of intorest was

necessary for tho completo and successful -ccomplishnent of this Task
Group objective.

During the sccond wock of March, a toam provided by the Test Services
Unit conducted the first in a serics of rce-ontry missions into Rongerik,

to inspect, service, maintain and operate the cquignent that was




The initial ro-ontry tcam ontercd Rongorik via surfcco

It was contcmplated, however, that anphibious eirercft would be

usod for subsoqicnt tripse

Five to seven personnel conprised cach toan,

a fully qualificd adiologiccl Safcty Monitor, provided by the fost
airerrft Unit, accompanicd cach teom engaged in the re-entry mission to

Onoosch ro-ontry mission, r-diation intensitics indicated by

detection instruments wore to be recorded and forwarded to tho Director
of Operations upon the return of the tcan to Eniwotok,

In addition, satpl.:

of coral and other contmineted debris, found in the vicinity of working
arersat Nongcrik, would be cbtainod under the supervision of the itlad
Safcty Monitor for the team and convayed to 2 representative of Task


2d Ind to B/C, "Radistion Monitoring and Operational Readiness Vian


Ltr to T Spt Unit, "Rqmts for Spt of the Rongerik No-ontry Oor Undor


Ltr to T acft Unit, sane as

for dongcrik toll,"
PP No. 1-54.

6 March 54.



Select target paragraph3