81-16 ofreraft.

Headquartors, USF, dirocted tho dir Roseuo Sorvico to

dispntch throo S4~16's from Hawaii to Eniwotok for our operational control.

Only two Si-16's could bo nado cvailnblo duo to lack of aircrows.

Theso two aircraft arrivod on 9 March md wore immediately plnced in
service in our Intoreatoll wirlift syston.
On tho 3rd of March, 1

schoduled a conforenco at

2000 hours in building 90 for tho officer personnol of tho Oporations

This nocting was primrrily called to ro-organizo ond to ro-

assign tcsks and rosponsibilitios to persons working in tho Dircctoratc.

: was assignod as Chiof of Plans end Roquiremonts, |
vico Li

*, who was transferred to tho 4930th Test

Support Group.

Because of the shortago of persennol in the “lens and

vcquiremcnte Division, and boccuso tho Communications Division rcquirenm ts

wore such that two officors could carry tho lo-d, Captain ~
wos reassigned to clans 4nd ikequirononts,


His assigned primary

dutics woro thoso of proparing tho schedules for froject Participants
arriving at Eniwotck and assombling tho histcry fcr tho Operations Direc=


«at tho somo timo, Ha


* gy ordginelly assi gnod as

Sonior Controller in AOC under tho Operations ond Training Division, was
reassigned as Exccutivo Officer to tho Director of Oporcaticns.


dutics wore such that his presonco, on many occasions,
was raquired at places other than his officc,


natters botw.on tho Yiroctor of Oporations during his absence from the
office and in tho .0C on shot dayse


Select target paragraph3