
Toreturn a norent to the crews flying these aircraft, with the
protection you have provided do they become contcriinate?


Yes, they sonotimes have small ancunts of contariination on their
clothing and the exposed portions of théir hody, They are then put
through the personnel decontanination center, Here, they take ono
or more showers, are checked again for radiation, ant then ;iven
clean clothing as required.


Speaking again of the sampling process, are the pilots told where to go
in the cioud or is this left to their own judgexcnt?
It is certainly nct left to their own jud<enent.

We havo a hishly

experienced control tean which rides in the B-36 control aircraft

and gives definite ‘lirections as to when and where sampling should

be accomplished, To accornplish this, the contro1 team observes tha
“ctonation and the growth of the nuclear cloud, observing the arcas
fror. which representative samples should be obtained. After cloud
intensities have Jiccreased sufficiently, the sampler pilots are thon
given directions by ratio as te the altitude, the area an’ the tine
that they will mcke their penctrations into the cloud. Of course,

cach pilot has attended thorcugh schoolins; on the mancuvers he will
be expected to perforn and in raliation safety mattcrs. This schodIing nininizes tho circctions he nust be given by the control tcan..-


You spoke of an cxpcricneed control team.


Woull you explain this?

The control tcam is composod of a scicntist fron Los Alanos and two

Air Foree officers. Those three have worked tozcther for several
years and have observed and dirocted sazpling on more than thirty~Tive
nuclear detonations.

I certainly would agree that they are experienced.

Now I would like

to cover what happens to these samples once they are cbtained?

Immediately after the aircreft lands the sarpies arc reneved, and
placed in an especially designed lead ecntainer. Specialty trainni
personnel using long hantlod teols aro crmployed in this rather teuch,
work, The containers are »laced aboard fast, long rance, tranopcsi.
eircraft and returned to scicntific Iaboratorics within the Unite?
States so that within a matter of hours after the sample is ccollecte4
they are in the hands cf laboratory perscnnel,


You listed an aircraft effects program as your sccon! primary mission.
What aircraft are used for this?


Ve are using a B36D ar:1 a B47, “oth aircreft boins espociaily instrumented to record certcein catar

TAB NO 22(3)


Select target paragraph3