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What special protection herve you provided for the air crews, if any?
~-veral measures have been taken, each of which is quite effective,

All of our sampling aircraft are pressurized. Wo have paced in their
pressurizction systens a special filter which prevents the engry of
radioactive particles into the cirereft. Just in case any small particle night sot by this filter, we require all crow members to breathe

100% oxygen during end after sampling.

effect, wearing a cas nesk,
for each crew nenber.

The crew menbers are thus, in

Secondly, we have provided lead vests

These vests (ccrease the amcunt of radiation

reaching the vital orjans of the imlivitual, Lastly, we make certain
that the aircraft are es clean as possible prior to take off so thct
oily areas, for instare, cdo net act as a collecting agent thereby
increasing the raviation ficl that tho pilot must ride in aftor his

ceparture fron the cloud on the way back to bese.

_ it secris to ne that with this particulate matter on the

outsite of the aircraft, normel means cf cvacuatin; the aircraft would

net be safe for the crew.


How do you hen“le this problen?

For the F~84's, we have constructe’ a platform end placed this on a
forklift. This is 1.0ved up to the ceckpit of tho F-84. Tho pilot
steps on to this platfcrm an“ thus is voved away from the aircraft

without touching any part of it. On the B-36's, of course we havo
a “ifferent problen. To protect these cir crews wo have then put on
loves and use oxtrone cere in clinbin:: throuch the crew hatches so
that they do not touch the outside skin of their aircreft,


What happens to these circraft with this particulate matter on then?


The aireraft are isolatec to allow the ratiation to decay for arorexinately forty~eizht hours. They are then put on the “ccontaninatica
pat or wash rack an? thoreur;hly washe’ an’ serubbed with a conbinrtica
of detergent, kerosene an“ chenicals, Afterverts they arc sivon :.
fresh water rinse, This proccess very cffectively rccduces the ecraicoination of the aircraft.


What is the ra‘iation intensity Icvel after the airerceft are ‘lecon~



The decentouination process just described is contirved until the

evckpit reading is approximetely twenty-five ox/hr. No flyin: of
ony aireraft is pormittec until the level has been breurht down at
least to this ficure,
—_ A

Select target paragraph3