

What effects cata do these aircraft collect?

They are instrumented to measure the effects on aircraft structures

of the blast, gust and thermal phenomena associated with atenic det~
onations. Based on the expected yicld of the device to be fired,
scientific perscnnel acterivine a slant range Aistance from Gr:und

2ENO ot which the aircraft can be placed to iecasure the “‘esired offects
withcut endanrering the crow.

It then becomes cur job to put the cir-

craft at this exact point in space at the exact vorent of lctonction.



How is the actunl positioning acccnplishet?
The desired position is nate zool by the coorcinate effort of the crow
renbers responsible for flying an’ navirating the aircraft. An orbital

flight pattern is planned by the Headquarters.

This ;attern is flown

ky the crew several tincs just prior to shot tine so tiring ecjustocnts
con be made to take into acccunt tho existing winls cvcor shot point.

By this mcans, tho crow can refine its timin; to such an extent that

they arrive at their cssi-ned shot tine position with en crror not in
excess of plus or minus three seccn's.


To obtain this rata it would appear that the aircraft would have to be

reasonably close to the detenation point.
crow of these aircraft protected?


In whet ways are the air

These air crews primarily necd protection frem the heat ani intense ~
light. The B-36D has « coating of white paint on the under surfacc
ef the aircraft. The purpose of this is to inercase the reflectivity
of these surfaces thus preventine scorching of the uctal. Of course,
it also reduces the heat experience) by the crew.

Additicnally, thick

asbestos curtains are placed over all windcws an® ports so that the


thermal pulse ‘ocs not strike any crow member directly. The crew is
also protectod from the intonso licht by these curtcins, The airccroft receives slight superficial damage fron blast which in no woy
endangers its flying charcctcristics.


Wheat is the utilization cf this data as athered?
The infonzation is used in or'er to desis better aircraft for the
future ani to develop techniques for safe Jolivery cf atoric weapons

with cur current airercft.


I would like to cover next the third major phase of ycur iission, that

of technical phetecrazphy,

_photecraphy are involved?

Wheat airereft orc usel cam! what typos cf

TAB NO 23 (4)_

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