building 10 (transiont officers billct).

4 work order was subrittcl 5

March to Task Group to orect six tents for housing the Si-16 personnel
. at the following locctions with a deadline of 11 March:

Mme tent in the officcr tent area cast of building 38,


Three tents in the airren tent arca west of buildings 40, 41

and 42,

Two tents north end cf tent row "G' wost of building 47.7?
started work on the tents on 6 Merch and corploted

then 12 March,
hs a result of trensforring all aircraft frori Bikini to Rniwctok,
a scrious parking problom wes cncountored,

A study of the Novy porking

area resulted in space for the adciticnal SA-16's, and as oll other park‘hat a new arca

ing arcas wore filled, it was decided by

could be graded, rolled and stabilized for the F4U aircraft not needed


This requirercnt was lade known to Task Group 7.5 on 4
2 on 7 March,

Horch and was coupleted by

dirrangeients were rade on 10 herch for two sets cf noso wheel tice

down rings to be sot in the dccontaiination pad and deesy area for the
B-36 aircraft,

These aircraft returning from a mission were contaminated

to on extont that prohibitee rofuoling and were teil heavy when cmpty.
Ticdown rings were consilered neccessary to prevent possible darage to on
aireraft as a result cf hich winds while in this li,htcned condition.
Tic@owns were reacy for use cn 23 Merche



Moro for:

Chicf of Staff fr Staff Paint Cff, Subj: “lHousins for

Additional Personnel", (ti 6 Merche


Select target paragraph3