The Bricfing Room fan was repoirc3 cn 16 Merch, by


A request was subiitted on 13 Merch, fer the rcfuoling and hcliccpte:
buildinrs to be connected to island power supply.

on 31 March.

This was accomplished

All wiring am fixture placcrent in-

side of buildings was one by the electrical depertzicnt of tho Test
Support Unit.

On 16 March, this Heacquarters received inforration tht the pewer
cable fron Parry to Eniwctok Islan? hed been severed.

All units and

clenents were advised of the emergency power situation -nc to tceko in-

nediate action in complying with the powor ccnscrvetion dirsetive, 4
which limited the use of clectric powcr so as not to jcoperdize the
mission of tho respective Task Groups.

The power cablo from Parry to Eniwctok wes repaired by Holmes and
Narver, and tho island was connected to norrel powcre lcte in the afternoon of 21 March,

On 18 March, the 100 KW ‘licsel cenerctor, used to furnish tho
erergency powor to the dir Cperations Center, brcke down.


divulged that a Icose bolt had ccre off ent hed fallen between tho

ariature and ficld, causing considcreble danage,



consulted as to the pessible repair, but ware unable to repair it duc
to the lack of facilitics,

irringeicnts were then nate to send

94. Ltr fr TG 7.2 to TG 7.4, Subj:
~ city", dtd 16 March.

— wae

"Conservaticn cf Water cn} Electri-


Select target paragraph3