

& request was made on 2 March, to Task Group 7.5, for the instal- lation of a 220 volt, three phasc, 60 ap, fused power. box on the
existing powcr panel in the joint transmitter building.

This scparate

fuse box for the rultiplex transiiitter was necessary so that in the cvent
of a power failure of one transuittor the other could be used.

Duc to

the inercasing power requirenents of Doth Air Foree an) try fecilitics,

the Gormeander of Task Group 7.2, hed placod with Task Group 7.5, tho
requirement of reworking all powor to Building 4 and laying any additions]
lines necessary to insure that 211 power requironcnts be uct,

This work,

it was anticipated, would bo completed in carly April, and would incluiic
the necessary wirins for the rultiplex transmitter,


Qn 3 Merch, the Chicf of Staff, subuitte? a request to tho Stafi
Maintenance Ufficer to neko quarters aveilable for 35 51-16 :cintenance
and flight crow nenbers and 24 project participants, which would be over
and atove tha personnel breught frei Bikini,

Of the SA-16 perscnncl, 19

were cfficers and 16 were cinicn, 92
In answering the the cbove requcst, the Staff Mointonance Offisar
stated the first 14 project participants would be billetod in ilies
42 and the 10 revicining project participants would be acessated an


nai fr Chicf ofStaff te Staff tiint uff, Subjr ’AcdakfonPorsc.

nel", dtd 3 March.



Select target paragraph3