To acquaint

n with this probla. arva, as it pertained to

our capability, G&

3 forwarde2 a lettcr to Commander, Joint

| Task Froce SEVEN on the twenty-third of horch explaining tho fact that
we had critical aircreft such cs the i1B-36 that required special maintcnanee end propescd a priority for :aintoncnee for their concurrence.

First priority was civen to the RB~36 Sompler Controllor end the two (2)
B-36 Sarplers.

Second priority was sropese? os:

F-84 Sanplers, Wo-29

Yeathor aircraft, iicscuc airercft, one (1) C~54 Photocrephic airersft, and
the Inter-Atoll airlift sirereft.

11 other airerczft woulbe consizcrod

in third priority for raintenences 2°

flso, during the cxtended period’ after HUVO anit before RGEO, thouht
wes being given to pre:arinc the shots at minimum tine interval betwoun
shots to pernit a possible make-up in schedule,

4 thorouch study was pre-

pered by this Task Group to dctenm:ine the ninimm length of tine recuiret
to deccntaninate key circraft and prepere then for another opcration.
inforration fron this study was forwarded to +


, 23 lierch,

indicating actions which could be taken by Joint Task Foree SEVEN which

would improve Task Croup 7.4 ccpability on turn-around,
sus..csted as:

Such things wore

(1) Elininste requirement of CASSIDY takins: crater photcs

to rotuce possibility of conterination, (2) Incrcase allowable raciation

“osazo Linits on B-36 iwciatcnance perscnncl, uzon request, (3) Elininctc,
when feasible, the 5-36 Effect aircraft to froe those rnint.nence personnel

for cther 2-36 work, (4) Authorize use -f one (1) B-36 Sauplir instcal of
two (2), an? (5) Trovive adiitionel “ccontamineation units to Task Grou 7


Ltr fr G
Ltr frc



“ta 23 iar 54, TG #332148,
dtd 23 liner 54, TG #3--3215S 2D.


Select target paragraph3