On the twenty-ninth of March,

replied to both of

the ofororontioned letters concurrin2 with the relative prioritics for
nintenance, clinination of 1B-36 for crater photo: rephy, incrcasing
dosage linits on B-35 1.2intenence personnel, an! clindinatina B-36 Effects
aircraft on ol) shots, if required, cxcopt on YANKEE and NECTn.


indicated that, wherever possible, two (2) 236 Savolers shout participate,
although, if tine interval between shots was lcss than seven (7) days, one
(1) would be secoptable, 8
On the twenty-fcurth of Merch, « lcttcr was forwarres te the Corm:onder
of AFSVC bringin: hii: up-to-date on the stctus an? functions of the jir
Task Group in the forward area, vivin:: hin. a complete resume of the cpera-

tion to that date. *?
nQHEO shot was fires in the Bikini arca on the twenty-scventh of


Thero wore scverel minor sirercft aborts, all consicered prizcrily

aue to the lensth of tine the airercft had sct on the sround in preperation for the opcration,

The aborts cic not prevent sucecssful zir operation

since back-up aiercft wore avialable,

It was ceter:ined that the aircraft

must, necessarily, be flown at froqucnt and revular intcrvals while in the
boist atuosphere of Eniwotok te keep thei: o:eraticnal.

wJlthcush there wos

minor camage to the aircraft strip at Dikindi on’ considers dle dclris hei to
he renoved, tho Bikini airstrip was oponed at 1700M on shot day,

A more

detailed account of the UChEO 1ission is cantaine in the Cocrations secticn

of this history.


Ltr fr ¢

ltd 29 Mar 54, TG #3-32868,

Select target paragraph3