Cormandor of the 78th fir tescue Squacron cat Kwajalein an? had not been
relieved of the SAN thet area,
‘to be too much responsibility.

This workload appeared

To further ag;reveto this situction,

tho two (2) SAh-16's attached to the 4930th Test Support Group fror tho
76th Air Rescue Squadron at Hickan (FD arrived at Eniwetck without
maintenance personnel, thereby increasing the maintenance burden on the
7&th fir Rescue Squadron at Kwajalein,

This situction was outlined in

a TWX, on tho twontieth of iirth, fror:



immediately corplicd ty scmling a TWX to the 76th fir nescuc
Squairon at Hicken AFB directing the assisnrcnt of a new Detachnuont Conuander for the Rescue Elerent at Eniuctok, rolieving liajor Hegserty of
this duty an¢ further directin, that mointencnec zersonnel and supply be

provided the two (2) Si-16 airlift aircreft fron the 76th Air Rescue

Squadron at Eniwctok.+5
With the dolay of three (3) wocks and nore between Gu.VO and RCLEO
shots, it became evident that the ccrrosive salt cir at this staticn was
causing increased tiaintenanee and abort rates.

Only by frequent aerial

flights coukl wo hoje to kcep the cbort rate at an acceptable minirno,
The problen which cnsuo? on these frequcnt flichts was that, with such
flying, periodic inspections hat to bo serformed which could <cny use of

the aircraft for the operction.

Since wo could nover be sssured as to

when a shot would be fired, we were in the position of assuring a calculated risk by withdrawin: circraft froi: operation forthoseinspectiors._



1G 7.4 lise:
THX fr

TGG 3~250,

DIG!s 23/02352 & 23/1135Z.


Select target paragraph3