belloons was subuitted by tho/Base

ly Officcr to the Lovistics Liaison

Officer, SMMA, in ordor that further teste could be accorplishe?t and pos- sibly hicher altitudes reached.

In accordance with ezroernents reached between the Baso Suzpy Officer
at Eniwtok, and the Base Supply Officer at Hickam AFB, regerding cuergeney repairs by corziercicl fecilitics in Honolulu, « 100 kw gsencrator

was forwarded to Hickam on 22 March, for repair cnd return,

This sconc-

rator unit was powored by a Curmins Dicscl Encine and constituted ercr~
geney power back-up for the 40C.

Duc to on opparent retcricl failure

in the generator, dorngje wos sustained beyond the capability of local
facilitics to repair.

The Staff Supply Officer conducted an inspection of the Test Support
Unit Tersonal cquipnent Scction on 22 March,

This was a follow-up to an

inspection conductod 6 February, in which unsatisfactory conditions were

The Staff Supply Officer conducte? a follow-up inspection of the
Cormmmications Elerent Supply on 25 Merch.

During the course of the in-

spection, the Commander and D/Meteriol, Task Group 7.4, visited the
activity for the purpose of mking < first hand cvclucation of prosress

Inspections eccomplished on the Unit Supply during Februrry and

carly March indicated a nucbcr of unsctisfactory conditions.


ported ned princrily te incomplete Plant Account records and poor prosTress
wade on the orderin;; of spare parts for cauipment in usc.

Tne Plicnt

.ccount property in use by the varicus .u.CS activitics -t Enivctok and
Dikini was not accounted for in acecr’nnee with AP Manucl 67-1 in that
90. idk fr
Subj: “Inspection of surscnal Equip-

went Section, dtd 22 lierch (UNCL).


Select target paragraph3