



properly accomplished hand reecipts were not cn file antl the LF Ferris
90/.'s were not up to “ate.
for the equipnent.

In aleition, spare parts hid not been ordored

During January, the project of crlcring these sparos

wes stertoi by an officer placed on TDY to the Pacific Proving Grounds

by tho 1808th 4£ACS Wing, Tokyo.

Only about 300 lino itcis wore ordered

in January and little or no progress nade on bringing the Plant “Account

records to acceptable stanilards,

This was the condition of the cccount

at the tine of an inspection on 3 Fobrucry by the Staff Supply Officer of

Task Group 7.4.

4s a result of action taken by

, & consider-

able effort was put forth by all concerned te bring the account up to acceptable standards,

The Corrinnder of the 180&th CS Wing, assigned

additional personnel end tho Conmanicr, Test Services Unit took a rore
apressivo interest in tho activity so that during the nonth cf Februsry

nore than 3,100 line items were ordered.

This conplcte1 the initial

orders for new ites onl cllowed cffort te be placed cn atjusting old
stock levels during Merch,

This was accormplishea by reviewing the levels

to dcterrine their validity by comparing cconsuuption ani necessity fer
standby items.

Now requcsts were then processed through the Base Sup7"y

Officer to order items bringing the on~hand figure to the preper level.
Trogress was started on the Plent Account recor’s.

The B-se Su, ry

Officer furnishe! a consolidated listing of 211 items which the reecr’s
at BeseSupply inticated were charged te the Cormmmications Eloucnt.
listing of ncnecxpenldable items was uscd as a basis Yor au invontcry
cench aetivity.

ws om


These inventorics were then cerpared with the master on.

sclitated inventory «n2 cverares an’ shortavcs nctcl,

Paurther rescerch

of these discrepancics inlicated thet mony of the overarres wore actuntiy

Select target paragraph3