Sinee the handlin:: of the weathcr island property had becn unsatis-

fectory during tho interim betwoon IVY and CASTLE, « recorrcndation was

submitted to the Coiucndor of the fir Weather Sorviee for handling these
packages upon conpliction cf Cpcrations crsTu.8?

Bricfly, the proposal

wos that on Air Worthoer Service Unit such as the 6th Weather Squacrcn
ot Tinker AFB, Oklchoi., be responsible for this property during the
interin and rebuild the peckeges for a future operction.

In a further

attempt to insure that the weather island property was beinc properly
neintaincd and cperated at present, «2 letter was written to the Coiunnter,
PACDIVIAATS, requesting a Supply Inspection Team fron that hoacquerters
visit cach weathcr island during spria88



In further proparation for the arrival of the 4..CS roprosoritative
in the intcrest of disposing cf cxcass coimunicctions property, the

Steff Cormunications Officer was teken on on inspection of the Base
Supply facilitics by the Steff Supply Officer on 19 Harch,
qucinte4 with cecounting, storage

He wes ac-

cn’ other pertinent supply procedures

ss well as the apprepriate pcrsonncl,
The Coriionder, Voeather ntcportin: Element, Provisional, swxittel a
study on the altitudcs attaincd with the bolloons in use at the vericus

woathor observation installations.©?

Since the desired eltitute of

90,000 fect was not bein;: reache? consistently, it was reecri.ended tht

adlitional balloons be proeure'.

after stutyin:: tie butter ani working



with theConanior, Vecther Reportins Blo:ont, o rattest_for pbiitacach
87, Ltr fr TG 7,4 to sar ‘loa Sve, Swaj: "Noather Isian’ Equajsont", ctl
18 March. (CONF),
SS, Ltr fv TG 7.4 to CONPACDIVMATS, Subj: "Ucathor Isienl vickocus, lt

17 Merch, (CCNF).

Ltr fr Wea Ropts Eli, Prov., to Test Svs Unit, w/2 In’s, Subj:
"Weather Polloons, dt? 13 Merch, (SECRET).




Select target paragraph3