
Infernation espics were reccived on 13 March, frou JTF SEVEN
indicating that AVGLS would be accounted for by the Army POL Officcr in

cecordcnce with USAF Revulctions cffcctive 1 July 1954.04
The Lozistics Liniscn Officer, SM/ii, was advised on 14 Merch, that
the Matericl conferenec, originally scheculed for 22 Merch, had been
Celayed ond he would be notificd of the proper reporting dote.°*
Upon completion of Operation CiSTLE, the L-13 circraft ct this

station were to be replaced by L-20 aireraft,

Sinee the L-13's, in use

here, were the last to be used by the fir Forec, special consideration
rerardins disposition of sparcs was requested. °7

The Lozistics Liaison

Officer was roquestcd to determine final disposition in ordcr that he
tizht bricf cll concerned during the Matcricl conference to be held in

the carly part of Lpri1.°4



JTF SEVEN fcruinistrative Order 2-53, required that cach Task Group

subnit a roll-up plen on or about 1 April.
for subrission in two docuzents.

This plen was to b prepared

(ne was the Supply and Transport:tion

noll-up, for all units other than the weather islonis,°> and the othor
was the roll-up Plan for the weathcr islands, 86

hateriol reccived ape

proval on 30 Merch, by Ist Indorsement, dated 29 March, on the TlY units
other than weather islcnds.



TX fr JTr-7 Wash, to JTF.-7 Eniwctok, cite(none), STG05.0392 Wha,

and TUX fr JIF -~7 Eniwctok, to JTF-7 Wash, DTG 0921152 “UNG!). ant

TWX fr JTF-7 Wash, to JTF-7 Eniwctok, DTG lO20.ta (U1, ond vex
JTF-7 Eniwctok, to JTP~7 Wash, DTG 1123202, (0G),


TWX fr TG 7.4 te Gui, TOMS 3-174, DTG 1422407, (UNCL).
Ltr fr TG 7,4 to Sulit, Subj: "L-13 Mireraft', Itt 4 Doc 52, (CONF),


Ltr fr TG



TUX fr T

(an y T

4 to SMa, cite TGS 3-124, DTG 120325,


7-4 to JTF-7, Subj: "Metcricl tell -up". it22 ifr, CINCL)
4, to JTF-7, Subj: "Weather Islent Kell-up", data 17 Mer,



Select target paragraph3