results were agreements on planning actions and basic responsibilitiesfo,
the cleanup and rehabilitation efforts as follows:

@ DOD would fund the precleanup engineering survey; the monitoring
and surveys required to support cleanup operations and to insurethe
safety of personnel involved in the cleanup; and the actua|
radiological and nonradiological cleanup efforts.
@ AEC would fund the precleanup radiological survey of Enewetak: any

other survey activities required to understand radiological exposure

of the people and development of standards; and periodic radiologica|
surveys after cleanup. DOD would reimburse for any subsequent
AECfield and/or laboratory work done in support of cleanup.

@ DOI would fund the rehabilitation work.25

DNA and AECdid not wait for the completion of supporting paperwork,
Both organizations began their precleanup surveys in October 1972 while
formal agreements and tasking documents were being developed.
On !4 November 1972, the Secretary of Defense formally advised the
Chairman of the JCS of DOD’s responsibilities for cleanup and requested

that the Director, DNA be designated as Project Manager.26 The formal

designation was made by the JCS on 30 November 1972. It contained
specific guidance and authorizations from the Secretary of Defense,
including: (I) authorization to act for the Secretary of Defense in planning
and—if approval was granted—in accomplishing the project, including
direct liaison with other agencies and development of agreements with

them; (2) direction to keep the Secretary and the Chairman, JCS informed

throughout the planning and execution of the project, specifically
including any requirements for military service support; (3) tasking for
preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS); and (4)
guidance to not commit the DOD to financing or executing the cleanup

project until further funding guidance was received.2? Formal funding

guidance was not received from the Office of Management and Budget

(OMB)until October 1973, almost a year later.28

DNA and AECformalized the agreement on the conduct and support of
the radiological and engineering surveys on 8 December 1972, about 2
months after the surveys began.

DNAcontracted with Holmes & Narver, Inc. (H&N) to conduct the
engineering survey of Enewetak Atoll and provide the results in an

engineering study, to include recommendations and cost estimates for

Select target paragraph3