up Planni

Soil Clean

sense of the conference because he believe:
the gene ral
attempting ¢0 reclaim the dri-Enjebi's home island for them


nt cleanup goal. He had confidence that theforcesin tt

dures iftt
ind use ingenuity and develop more efficient procesuccess w

were set for them. In the event that
pCi/g cleanup, might
nassible, even partial success; e.g., a 50
eventual residence possible.)

n and Lujor a
Consider all possible alternatives to assure Boke
from E
e.g., removing soil

plowing, etc.
covering Lujor with low-level soil from Enjebi,

alternative is found in 6 months, cease work on Enjeb

concentrate on soil removal from Boken and Lujor, in that orc
reduce them to 160 pCi/g or less and preclude quarantine.

The issue of plowing to dilute contaminated soil concentrations
not be resolved until its effects could be determined by a con


scientific experiment. In any case, plowing would supplemen

substitute for, soil removal. It would only be implemented af
practical soil removal had been completed. While it would probably |
the resuspension hazard, the extent to which plowing would as
reducing any plant uptake of radioisotopes was unknown and

require further analysis.

The Director, DNA decided to initiate a controlled plowing expe:

as soon as practicable. Field Command, DNA and DOE-NVhadloc
suitable plow at the Nevada Test Site and arranged to haveit delive

Enewetak by 1 June 1978. '20


The issue of Runit soil cleanup was raised again for the samereaso:
Aomon Crypt cleanup was questioned. There was considerable uncer

that it could be accomplished or that available resources were adequ

complete the task, even though boat transportation was not req
Options included:

a. Clean Runit to 160 pCi/g concurrently with other island cle
using equipment assigned for that purpose.

b. Clean Runit to 160 pCi/g concurrently with otherisland cleanup

available resources (men and equipment not required o;
employed in higher priority work). These resources would incre
other work was completed.


Select target paragraph3