c. Do not clean Runit.
d. Clean Runit within available resources following northern islands
The arguments for cleaning Runit had been presented during the
deliberations on island priorities. Option b was recommended by Fielg

Command to assure optimum use of resources and to demonstrate an

earnest effort to accomplish the EIS mission by removing the highest leve}
contamination on the atoll. Initially, this cleanup would be accomplisheg
with trucks and front loaders located on Runit for the cratering operation
when they were not so employed. Since there was little soil stockpiled to
begin the crater containment operations, an appreciable amount of highlevel Runit material could be excised and used to keep the containment
operation going. Eventually, after other soil cleanup was complete, all the
soil removal equipment would be used to clean Runit. Option c was based
on the premise that, if the island would be quarantined because of
subsurface contamination, resources should not be wasted on any attempt
to clean the island.

The Director, DNA decided that cleanup of hot spots on Runit would be

accomplished as a mission secondaryto the otheractivities on that island.
That is, no special resources would beallocated to the cleanup but, when
those resources already on theisland; e.g., front loaders, trucks, etc., were
not otherwise committed, they would accomplish this cleanup. Thefinal
amount of Runit cleanup would depend on the resources available after

completion of other contaminatedsoil cleanup. !2!.122

There was a wide divergence of views on the alternatives for crater

containment. The five alternatives presented were:
a. Dispose of all excised soil and radioactive debris in the crater.

b. Dispose of contaminated soil from islands other than Runit in the

crater up to zero height; add debris, cover with soil, and cap. Spread
remaining contaminated soil on north Runit.
c. Dispose of 160 pCi/g-contaminated soil in crater to zero height; add

debris, cover with soil, and cap. Spread lower level contaminated soil
on north Runit.

d. Do not use crater for contaminated soil disposal. Place contaminated
debris in crater and cover with soil from ejecta and other locationsto

above zero height. Spread excised soil on north Runit.
e. Do notusecrater for disposal. Place contaminated debris on land and
cover with soil from other islands. Stabilize soil surface with


Select target paragraph3