

Runit (which might otherwise be quarantined) for agricultural and foog.
gathering purposes.

A discussion of the definition of quarantine followed. Mr. Joe Deal, of

DOE, indicated that Runit was quarantined until the bits of plutonium ang

high concentrations of contamination were removed, not becauseit was

over 400 pCi/g or 160 pCi/g. Mr. Ray stated that he did not believe the Bajr
Committee meant that a Runit-style quarantine was automatic for islands
over 160 pCi/g. However, as long as that possibility existed, failure to Clean

Boken, Lujor, or Runit below 160 pCi/g could result in their being

quarantined as a consequenceof the cleaning of Enjebi to residential levey,

Director, DNA stated that he didn’t believe the term ‘‘quarantine”’ made
any sensein the long term, since the conditions on thoseislands were not

so bad that no one could everset foot on them. !!2
Mr. Mitchell was asked his opinion on the approach of concentrating on
Enjebi, Aomon, and the Aomon Crypt, then examining the alternatives


for cleaning the other islands. He responded that under the assumption



that resources were limited, he agreed; howeyer, he hoped that the


resources would notbe so limited as to require that approach.|!3

The Director, DNA observedthat the soil volume estimates, other than

Runit, had increased since the EIS. These estimates originally had beep

15,000 cubic yards for the northern islands, excluding Runit and Enjebj,
The latest Field Command estimate was 61,300 cubic yards, plus 44,835

cubic yards for Enjebi, or a total of 106,135 cubic yards excluding Runit,

Applying the Treat Factor increased the estimate to 171,226 cubic yards,

and the estimates could continueto increase.!!4

Based on the latest estimates and factors, Lujor appeared hopelessif

Enjebi was to be cleaned.!!5 Almost 50,000 cubic yards would haveto be

removed to qualify it for agricultural use. Boken was somewhatless
difficult. It was estimated that 21,600 cubic yards would have to be excised
to qualify it for food-gathering use.
Considering the estimates, factors, constraints, and various discussions
presented in the conference, Director, DNA madethe following decisions

on soil cleanup priorities: !!6.117,118,119

a. Continue cleanup of Aomonfor agricultural use (80 pCi/g), with the

option to continue cleanup to residential levels (40 pCi/g) if this

appeared possible by removal of a few thousand more cubic yards, as

was currently indicated. (This action would provide a large, threeisland complex in the northern islands cleaned to residentiallevels.)

b. Concurrently, begin soil removal at Enjebi. Start with area of highest
contamination(i.e., 70 to 80 pCi/g) and clean progressively, pending
further developments regarding Boken and Lujor. (VADM Monroe
made this decision although it was contrary to all project direction to
date, contrary to Field Command’s recommendation, and contrary to

Select target paragraph3