the Service Element Commanders—there was impatience to begin Soil
operations. Understandably, these individuals were concerned because the
soil removal equipment, operators, and other resources, which they had
worked so hard to have in place for the start of Cleanup Phase on 15
November 1977, had not yet begun soil cleanup—and it was mid-January
1978. They wanted to begin soil cleanup at once.

After many hours of discussions, VADM Monroe directed the following


a. Begin a pilot soil removal project to ascertain the effectivenessof the

planned soil excision technique in reducing transuranic
concentrations and to consolidate the planning factors of time, men,
trucks, boats, quantities, etc., on which firm planning would late;
depend. The choice of island for the pilot soil removal project was to
be agreed between the ERSP and Field Command and recommended
to the Director, DNA for decision.
b. Expedite compilation ofall island soil characterization data by DOE
and finalize soil cleanup criteria including consideration of the new
EPA guidelines.
c. Expedite review by Field Command, DOE-NV, and TTPI of island
use plans and island cleanup priorities.
d. Intensify characterization efforts at the Aomon crypt, including
interviews with any people still available who were involved in its

construction, and solicit ideas from all concerned on how to survey

and excise the crypt.
e. Concentrate Army and Navy Element efforts on northern island
debris cleanup, both contaminated and uncontaminated, until soil

cleanup decisions could be made.>7-58

Thus, VWADM Monroe's plan was to compensate for the late startin soil
cleanup by getting ahead of schedule in the cleanup of debris. As will be
shown later, the characterization and reviews continued well into the
spring of 1978. Meanwhile, a small, but important, soil cleanup operation
was conducted shortly after the Director's visit.

The 1973 Enewetak Radiological Survey indicated two areas on Medren
with elevated gamma levels. One area was found to contain a cobalt (Co60) source in a dosimeter calibration shed. This source was removed and
gamma levels returned to normal background. The other area was not
identified at that time. It was essential that the JTG locate and removethe
contamination before the Defense Property Disposal Service contractor
began scrap removal operations on Medren.

Select target paragraph3