
p Planning
Soil Cleanu

Radiation Contro! Division perso

nation was located by
The co ntami
of old laboratory facilities in November 1977. It wasfc
g locati
yard sou th of th €
ee apart, 300 yards
e ly y 150 feet
ons, approximat
0 ay. The first two soil samples contained relatively low levels of C

(less than 70 pCi/B).

4 team consisting of one member rom the JTG J-2, one from

ERST and several USAE equipment operators was formed to identify
ove the contaminated soil. The operation began on 7 February
en was completed on 10 February 1978. Personnel protection consiste

vati<C suits with boots, hoods, gloves, and dust masksfor truck dri

and survey personnel. The bucket loader operator wore a fullrespirator. During transport of soil by LCU, crew members wore

masks when outside the quarters, andall hatches were battenedto pre’
possible contamination of interior spaces,

The larger area, designated Crate, was excavated first. The area

approximately 40 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 3 feet deep. Evidence

found that two trenches had been dugin the area, each 12 to 15 feet
and 3 feet wide. The highest Co-60 concentrations, 2,000 pCi/g, \

found in these trenches. Outside of them, gamma levels dro;


Before excavation began, the area was wet down with sea water usi

|.200-galion tank truck. Contaminated soil was excavated with a bact

ind loaded directly into a dump truck. When the truck bed was full.
loud was wet down and covered with a tarpaulin to prevent the sprea
of contamination. Trucks were driven to the boat ramp alor
predesignated route which was monitored to assure it did not bec
contaminated. The trucks were transported by LCU to Runit where
was offloaded at a stockpile inside the hot line. The trucks and well dec
the LCU were hosed down and monitored before returning to Medr.
The smaller area, designated Blue Star, was approximately 10 feet lor
feet wide, and 2 feet deep. Analysis of soil samples from this area sho

Co-60 concentrations of 20 to 75 pCi/g.

After all hot spots had been excised, the entire area was backbladed
resurveyed. Surface activity levels averaged 7.2 micro-Roentgens
hour. Some ||0 cubic yards of soil had been excised and removed to R
The operation was accomplished by Army, Navy and Air Force perso

under the supervision of an noncommissioned officer from the JTC
and it served as a model for future soil removal operations.°9

Select target paragraph3