Debris Cleanup


noncontaminated debris. There were no ground zeroes on this island, and
no radioactive materials were known to exist. The planned use for

Bokenelab was food gathering. !!.!2

The debris survey in September 1977 found no contaminated debris, and

the island was decontrolled on 7 October 1977. Noncontaminated debris
cleanup began on 13 December 1977 and was completed on 8 February
1978. One hundredfifty eight cubic yards of noncontaminated debris were
removed. !3.14

No debris was found on the nearby islet known as Mary's Daughter
(code name Fern), and the island was decontrolled on 5 October 1977.!5

Lujor consists of 54 acres and wasthe location of the Inca event during

Operation Redwing. Vegetation was moderate to heavy around the
perimeter, while the interior had a grass sedge cover among the shrubs.
Hazardousdebris included several concrete anchor blocks, steel pipe, rails,
plates, miscellaneous metal scrap, and a large quantity of metal mat which
had been placed during the Inca event to minimize the dust cloud. No
radioactive burial sites were known, however, as a ground zero was
located on Lujor, it was assumed that some actions in recovery operations
or in the protection of personnel from exposure may have covered
radioactive materials or areas. There were 20 Master Index items,
including an estimated 29 cubic yards of noncontaminated debris and 317
cubic yards of contaminated debris. The planned use for Lujor was

agriculture, !6

Debris cleanup began on 15 November 1977. On 22 February 1978,

debris cleanup was declared complete;!? however, an



February 1979 discovered several items of red debris in the windrows of
brush which had been cleared during the initial soi! survey. These were
removed during soil cleanup operations. In all, 16 cubic yards of
noncontaminated debris and 255 cubic yards of contaminated debris were
removed.!8 Decontrol of the island depended upon soil cleanup, described
in Chapter 7.
No debris was found on the nearby islet known as Pearl's Daughter

(code name Gwen).

Aej consists of 40 acres and was used as an instrumentation site during
Operation Castle. Vegetation on the lagoon side was dense, tall brush,

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