Debris cleanup for each island is described in the following S€CtiOns

Cleanup of a particular island was not continuous in all cases. Priorities

were adjusted periodically to insure the optimum useof critical personne|
and equipment resources.
When the Army and Navy Element Commanders weresatisfied thay

debris cleanup was complete on each island, they reported this to the

Commander, JTG (CJTG). He then inspected the entire island in Close
detail by helicopter and on foot. Only when he wassatisfied astoits clean
condition did he accept the debris cleanup as complete. These acceptances
were subsequently recorded as signed certificates for each island.
Debris removal operations began on Lujor (Pearl!) on 15 November

1977 and continued on some of the northern islands while soil cleanup

criteria and priorities were being reviewed. By the first of December 1977.
debris removal operations were underway on Lujor, Bokenelab (Mary),
and Taiwel (Percy). Taiwel was the first island on which cleanup was

Taiwel consists of 5 acres of sandbar supported by coral shoals with very

little vegetation. A small amount of scattered scrap and a portable building
which had been used as an underwater cable terminal were all that
remained when the island was surveyed for cleanup. No radioactive

material burial sites were known to exist on the island. In planning

documents, Taiwel wasidentified for food gathering; however, the actual
use planned by the people wasfor occasionalvisitation.?
The debris survey in September 1977 found no contaminated debris, and
the island was decontrolled on 7 October 1977. Noncontaminated debris
cleanup began 25 November 1977. On 4 December 1977, the building was
soaked with diesel fuel and set afire. The remaining debris (2 cubic yards—
noncontaminated) was removed on 5 December 1977.!0

Bokenelab, a small island in the northeast sector, consists of 12 acres and

was used as an instrumentation base during Operations Greenhouse, Ivy,
and Hardtack. Vegetation was sparse to moderate. There were some
concrete and wood-framed, metal-clad structures remaining. There were
24 Master Index items, including an estimated 272 cubic yards of

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