while the ocean side was more open. No ground zeroes were placed on Agj

and no radioactive burial sites were known. Hazardous debris included a
concrete bunker, pieces of pipe, and other metal scrap. There were three
Master Index items, including approximately | cubic yard of

noncontaminated debris. The planned use for Aej was agriculture, !9

Debris cleanup began on 20 February 1978 and was completed on 2}
March 1978. Approximately | cubic yard of noncontaminated debris was

removed from the island. Forms were built around the bunker opening
andfilled with concrete from a ready-mix truck to seal the bunker.29 The
other two Master Index items identified in the survey were removed. Aej
was decontrolled on 2 March 1978.2!

Billae consists of 14 acres and was usedforscientific recording stations. It
had no ground zeroes, and no radioactive material burial sites were known

to exist. Vegetation was moderate to dense. There remained a wind

indicator pole, two submarine cable terminals, and miscellaneous wood
and metal debris to be removed. There were also several concrete pads
which wereto beleft in place. There were 2! Master Index items, including
an estimated 88 cubic yards of noncontaminated debris. The planned use

for Billae was food gathering. 22

The debris survey in August 1977 found no contaminated debris, and
the island was decontrolled on 7 October 1977. Debris cleanup began on 5
January 1978 and was completed on 26 February 1978. The wind indicator
pole was cut down by explosive demolition on |2 January 1978. Sixty-four
cubic yards of noncontaminated debris were removed.23

Alembelconsists of 38 acres and was used asa scientific station during
nuclear testing. It was densely vegetated with tall palm trees. No ground
zeroes were located on Alembel. Debris included a 4-foot wide, 20-foot
long concrete building which had contained laboratory animals, a concrete
cable vault, and pieces of corroded pipe. There were four Master Index
items, including an estimated 25 cubic yards of noncontaminated debris.
The planned use for Alembel wasagriculture.24
Debris cleanup began on 19 January 1978 and was completed on 3 March
1978. Approximately | cubic yard of noncontaminated debris was


Select target paragraph3