

Operations Office (DOE-NV). The radiation measurements were net
measurements, with the local soil used as the backgroundreference. All
measurements were averaged over | square meter, provided no individual

reading exceeded three times the limit value.fhe numbers in the standarg

are given in terms of the absolute unit of disintegrations per Minute
(dpm). For operational purposes these were converted to counts Der

minute (cpm) underthe area of the probe used for the measurement. Each
category was assigned a color/disposal code to be used in markingthe

material with spray paint andto facilitate documentation and disposal, as

Color (Disposal) Code


Red (C - Crater)

Gamma radiation measurements, taken

Yellow (L - Lagoon)

Gammaradiation, measured within | foot of
the surface, which was greater than 15 wR/hr

within | foot of the object, which were
greater than or equal to 100 #R/hr.

but less than 100 wR/hr; or beta radiation

which exceeded 5,000 dpm/100 cm2 at

contact or 540 cpm under the HP-210 probe.

or alpha radiation which exceeded 1,000

dpm/100 cm2 or 300 cpm underthe AC-3-7

probe at contact.
Of no radiological interest, that is, it was
below ail the limits for disposal as
radioactive debris.
Red debris was disposed of by encapsulation in Cactus Crater. Yellow
debris was disposed of at designated lagoon disposal sites. Green debris

Green (R - Release)

was disposed of by one of several methods authorized for
noncontaminated material since it met the requirements for release and
reutilization without control.

Within the Yellow (lagoon disposal) group, consideration was given to

leaving certain debris in place if the only contaminant wasbeta radiation in
excess of the Green debris limits. The Radiation Control Committee
evaluated the measurements and made case-by-case recommendations
based on the degree of hazard andeffort required to removethe item.4

The Enewetak Engineering Survey and Master Index generally
identified all the major items on each island. However, to identify the

exact location and current radiological condition of each item to be

Select target paragraph3