
Debris Cleanup

oved once the Joint Task Group (JTG) had establisheditself
rt a detailed survey was conducted as thefirst step in theclei

ato island. This detailed survey was conducted by the Field R:
cat ort Team (FRST), under the supervision of the Radiation ¢
ion (J-2) HQ JTG. Individual survey teams were made up of
jeader, two or more radiation monitors, two data recorders, a sury
rruck driver, and one or more helpers. Team equipment included

for detection of alpha, beta, and gammaradiation, radiation check s

paint, poles with flags for marker stakes, tools (hammers, ma
crowbars, etc.), surveying instruments, maps, photographs, came
film, log books, chalk board, and the Master Index List for the is
These surveys were planned to cover {5 acres per day. After
marks were located or established, teams identified boundaries
designated area which were marked by pole and flag. Parallel pat!


selected to form a grid across the area at distances which would
adequate inspection of the area between paths. Monitors and re

walked the paths searching for debris. Paths varied depending on
features and vegetation. Operation of exposure-rate meters by m

gave a measure of background radiation. When debris or c

structures were encountered, the radiological character was deter
and the items were marked with red, yellow, or green spray ¢
appropriate. These markings indicated to the debris cleanup tea
euch item was to be treated for cleanup and disposal.

In March 1978, it was discovered that some concrete structures hz
marked with green paint(i.e., no radiological interest) although the
surveys bore readings which indicated they should have been mark

yellow paint for lagoon disposal. Investigation revealed that the

teams had misinterpreted the debris classification directive
contained units of measure unlike those on thefield instrumen
directive was revised, and all mismarked debris was located and rer
The resurvey resulted in reclassification of several concrete str

on Enjebi (Janet), Boken (Irene), Aomon (Sally), and Bijire (Tild.

green to yellow. The estimates of contaminated debris remov.:

increased thereby from 7,300 to 19,000 cubic yards. The increase for

alone was 7,700 cubic yards. Much of the contamination which res:
the reclassification was surface beta. Several methods, in
sandblasting and chipping, were employed to remove the

contamination and leave otherwise harmlessstructuresintact.>.6

Select target paragraph3