
Ge Property witn uo ostiratad value of more tocar
$100,000, excuses to foreseeabie future requiraments uf the Ha,
was diepused of thyouge surplus and excess ohbeunely, ‘hich of
tais vraserty hed beon recovered from emorg tict prosamed Zor
tests peior to the designation of ACTTP aa che operational egonsy,
2. isul Praperty « xugsotiationsa we.¢ cumploetaa vith
the ABO relative to the omerahip of wer cne twndred temp rary

structures lacated at the HG,

& large wissver of thease etruccurse

were dotermined to be DOD property and sere a9 vecerded in Srepert,
Aoseunt MF-)015-00 established in Wey 1984 for thie purpose.

Test Equipment

ae The program of aatabliahing AISI? title to and
recardirg of equipment purchased with ASW? funds allocated for
UPSHUT+RENZHOLE projecta was concluded. 4 revised edition of the
FRY Catalog cf Taet Equimrent and Related [temn was published
on i April LOB,
b. Considerable ATW? camed and controlled tsst
esuipment, cosaptured sud recerded 22 a rewult of ZI taste, aus
utilized in suppest of Operation UASILE, In addittes to sub}
Stantinl tut unknowm quantities of suah oquigment taken co CASTLE
by OD agemies holiing teapernry custody, a ramber of items were
whippad from the BPG. This latter category (ucluded aqui pasct
maoh as Jeta reoording devioss, generators and a larg? ssp trailer.
6. Test equipment remaining in the custedy of
DOSY at the BPG was repaired and vohabilitated ia icopareation for
Durther test use. Thie progres iialuded sajor overhaul of ap~
preaivately ¢0 gasoline and dieas) pewered gereretars.

Transportation and Yair tenance

The DFE HPO rainctenanse shop expended son~

siéerable affort during this period in the rehabilitation of

approximately 78 vehicles recuired for the -riority esiabliaheront
.t Law Uead Base,


b. During this period, as a matter of orerail
oO ssaneny, the DEG scter maintenance facility et tho RPG oon-~
*thsed to madotain all vehicles resuired in suppurte ci the Somos

Select target paragraph3