
faoilitiee ag HOG for the upper wind srofect fer the vsrica

18 Weseh to 19 Usy 1954 was errsnged vit: the “ae Vagae NelA

OfNee, VAR, Aetien was alao taken to inform (he Yansger,
UVPG, USA thet present requirements iiiicated «0 need for the
reservation of full period private teleonone circuits at 4F9,
but tua possibility of auch a need shou’ i be a .olmt for cuncervative plemning. A atudy of the Communivoatioas Plan for uTG
as dsefted by the las Vegas Field Cfiice, -SAZ and forwardad
by the Manager, SFO, wos wade by the Cowmniert.cns Jflicer,
OW2?. Occmente of this Directerate etl] to forwarded to tha
Veaneger, SPO, JSARO, in early duly 1924.
>. From 24 February to 18 ‘Say 1984, the Cone
munteations Officer, OFET, wea on TDY at the PacsiNe Proving
Grownde for dvey with Task Unit 13 in Speravicn CAQTLP, te
performed the goneral duties of project Iieison sfiiser with
the Raydist Redie Location System projaci cnd, in addition,
acted as the designated Meld rapresentative of the f4sid Cam
maud Contracting Officer relative to the Paydiet Comtrast

(Bae DAe£6+-044-15~368).



thw to tre inter-raletiaaskin cf

Sanctiona, thoae o
Support Mivieion, OU, and those c? the
HE} Detachment (less radiological safety); UWET, are samb!ned aod
reperted harein by subject.
i. Supply - There being ceither a Zi taut cperatica
nar activa preparation therefoar during the pericd, svonly eotiwities sere generally «cf a routine vatire, Astivictesa worthy
of neta:
a, DOO Program and Project urita designated to
constitute CASTLE Task Unit 13 were aseieted in toe suplomec'a~
tiog of cartain legietioal preparations auch os thew cejotiscion
of a priarity contract with the Raydiet Corporation Tor special
aironay= tracking devices,
b&b The Meld Comuand projerty secount at tue
UPQ, redesi mated as SYP 1006 59 during tlis veriod, was 1:.epaoted and given «a satisfactery reting both by the Army fuiit
Ageusy and the Vield Command Inepsstor Gerpral, Thees franeations,
hevever, ludieated a substantial mumiusr of tachninal srrors, As
& roault, the peoperty account wis reorganised, vrewErehousad cus

OE AeNittiettt

nen- Lan see Cara ney

Select target paragraph3