970 in thé preparation of data to wa later usad ia refuting a
3205,6000 laweuit resuitirg from the sertinantal tast series in
Wevada during tha Spring of 1983.

In varly “ay curing an inepect4a of the Let

r.3SJ abt NIV the Rad-Safe CfiMoer, DWET, dissue od Recesafo nattors
with the Manager, ias Vegas Field Sifice, icAb’. the Kecagar
agreed to purehmse 5,000 additional film brides, £ vacunus tube
voltage reguletors and 5CO large gita fatique suites. It wes aise
agreed to utilize the iwo 2adeSata ohvte-dealmeiry technicians
pracesbly on duty at EPO aa cffiais’ AEC shotegraphecs Curing toe
non-operaticnial periods.

In Hay, the fad-Safa Offlear, DS?, visited


aA letter was forwarded to the Air Materiel

sort MoClellan, Alabama fer conferences with the Coomndirg officer,
lat K380 end the Commanding Offlos> of the Chemleal Corps Training
Command on matters of the let AS3Y (personnel prsblens, dycontami~
mation anperstus for use at 470, vehicles e:id training) enc g°neral
kad-Safe policies for the next test ceriss, It was deterninsd that
the lat ES80 should enter the TEAPOP-Operation «ith 30% of its
former UPSHOP~AEROTHCLZ enlisted perearme), It wes agreed that lst
RoSU's four arthorised decontemination avparatua unite should ce
at NPO for the THAYOT Coeration. OVeT will order the spare carta
for direct shipeent to HPQ ag required. The present traixing at
the sohool indicates that the lst RS8U 2% 4°G wil} be adeavately
auguented for future test speratiors to irslude the manning of
the Instrweemt Repair Eeotion, In the past, tiis work hrs been
aceomplished by the Signal Corps project verscinel.
Command (AMC) to coordinate tha use of ANC Rad-Safe teams in
future continental atomlo tests.


two Co!

Aation woe also tacen with che

Bureeu of Standards for the 97rtrial calibration of the

gourses in use at HPC.

These sources will be used as

stavderds for instrument oalibration anc dcsimstry for Coerarion



Comannisations Bransh

& In this osriod, liaigon cr cormmication
nattere was sondueted with LVI0, “foo, '40L and cho Meld “oucnand

The eeccivati-n of commnivation


Staff Officer *er -cnrunicattons,

Select target paragraph3