
Desert Rook custodial force,

This action continued to permit

coeplete slinization of all moter pcel and actor caintecance
aotivitiens within Camp Decert Fook,

Programming and (control cf Test Wade

™ the tasis of experience -~Ained torourh the

implementation of an UPSEOT<KNOTHOLE agreement oovering che allo-

saticn of HPO expenses betweon tha AN and tse CCD, a revised

tndafinite period agreement was regotiated and aigned by the

Genmager, SPOO, 1.00, and the CG, Mo,

This represented the first

long range coet el loeation agreenent usable for budget surpomes.

On the basia of previous experionse, OTT

represextatives oegetiated an underotantisg with AsO rapregentatives ty which nore useful informaticn would in the fvture

be cbtained relative to DOD funda expended through AIM for activitles st che WPG,

Pais agreement, not canpletely sonfirmed by

$0 June, provided, amoug other things, for a breakdown af pure
poses fur which DOD funds were expended by the ALC, It also pro~
vided for AK publication of a statement covering the policy sy
which crernead ohargos would ke alioccatead to DON constriotion
nd other support provided by ASC at the UPO,

Daring June, it vas datermined that there

oxieled no turther coquirenent for vrograming arc allovation of
OME let stUCLE Cacda, As a result, the baicnee of UioHcTehallCOL. Sinds wag released to fm, AFEYP, tur reprogramming.

d. 4s Operation CAsiL® orogresaed, CASTLE ° 3 D
fuméa emra reprogrammed to tre end that the total estliiated Ria o
2cSt of 1D ei feocs testa were cooreased from $7,773,060 ap of

1 Janusry 1956 to 75,611,000 as of 80 cure 19d.

o. Sxperience pravicu ly ¢alcad omeerning
Pasra~ailitary costs of 2I teats wae analyser curian thie poriod,

and an Oxtraediiitary budeet for tie Sartcacalng oI tast wae
daveloped. This sotion indicated soth tiut escumulative szperionss poraitted a core acoqurats estimate unu that ‘vtraHiditeary vote of 21 effects testa wire deoreaning due in sare
So the Zast thas oraviously acquired eg iomant osald.u ceuced.

ub Glo

Select target paragraph3