

Papers, 1953-61 :




dona ye



(Ann Whitman file)




a ht

G+ On pares 12 - 15, we outlines the Federal nepublicts relations
with Fastara Buroge (including Eout Germany). Let ma READ from Por. 17

on p. 13 ani fron Par. 19 om p. 1h.





On para 15, ve mention the protlen of Berlin, fully covered

in Supplenent I.
2. Pages 16 = £2 caver the Foleral Republic's rola in Western

Defense. Let soa READ from Fars. 21 end22 on p. 16 - 17 and fros


f. Pages 21 - 22 describe the Federal Republic's relation te

unieriavaloped areas. Lot me RUAD from Para. 27 mai 29.

She fanilier besic objectives of our policy azpear on p. 23. -

6. Let ms now rontion principal itens in the Policy Guidance:


343 353 305 37s 395 hey b3s 453 hGy b7.

& AS you wlll observe, the Tollay Guléencs in tile paper covers

the short-rangey secks to fopruve and strengthes Vest Oermaay's role

in the Atlentic Cassimity.

&. Par. 4h, however, reflects concern for the longer-range -

for giving thought now how to meet coatingensies witch may be forced
upoa us by the USSRy by m successor goveruamt to Aienaer in vest

Germanys by a successor government to Macmilian in Britain; by
twerlllingness of sam RATO coustrias to ecoeyt miclear armetntas by
the inter demand of other KATO allies, Wiles now accept such muclear
delivery aystex, to have sovereign control in their comtries over

the verbeais and their use. FOAD Per. 4S on p. 25.



Select target paragraph3