
1953-61 |

n Whitman file) (ann

iisenhower :








Cv eso eee a ee

& the Ploming Board recogaizes that the iastext tine 1s not
propitious to present alternatives to the presant policy of increasing

repidly theFree Vorlatas military capabilities. Yot sous of vs felt
that the contined divisios of Gereany, the anomslous isolation of
Berlina, the stationing of foreign forees in Ceutral Dirge, ore &

rain source of the tersion which may involva ducreasing risk of var.

a. Par. §4 recemments that at this time 8, elternntiree ba



developed ant considered (if not through the Plemting Doan, then in

seme other mediun), for the longer look wheat.

“ge In tha Ganoral Considerations {p. 3 + 9) we related our
eomvern over the division of Germany, seeking there to stats the
yroé ani cans of various courses af action. Pocause this issus

The Joint Chicts of Staff recament against the proposnl for

jet mo IAD at p. 3 from Par. &, ete.

transecais others, I wich to enll attention specifically to certaia


stuly of alternatives on the grounts thst consideration should be
Given to tha developent of miternitives to our present polfey oa

wnifiestion at the tins thot the U. S$. became cowdiaced thet present
objectives camot be attained,

Secretary Dulles
You will note the camletion in FY 1959 of delivarica untor

8. Financial Appentix (p. 29 - 31)

the grant military asgistanss procsem of the ites financed in prior

yeare. ($003 militon).

Select target paragraph3