

Whitman file)

1953-61 '




ro ruary 4 preft

1TH + Getery (it50 5727)

The next ites da @ review of our policy toward West Gersemy

(atopted in 1953).


2. Attochod a3 Supplement I end Supplesest IZ ars extsting U. 8.

policies teward Serlia and Rast Gomany, respectively, waich ve belicva

adequate at this time ani to require no further mention} deapite recently

increased Soviet efforts to substitute Bast German for Eussien control of

entry into end exif fron Berlin, ‘hore alsa renains in effect a special
gcrmox to the East Germany policy, dealing with resistance by Fast Germans

to the Govict-loninated regine.

The Pleoning Bourd hes yvorked on the now Geran policy aince

September, recogaizing fully the Key elenificaace of Gerrany.

Our draft

yaper before you is based upon a recent national intelligesse cotinets,

elaborate sisff studies, asi long debate. Part of our work 1a roflected
in on excellent ent detatled milttary aanex (16 pp), found at the end of
the paper.
4. a the couprehensive General Considerations {pp 1-22), the

Planning Board factually presents the issues which make Cermaxy of vital
inportaace to the U. B. ~ and to the Froe Korlis,
& 3 deal with Gervaqyts division ami the prodles of ©
remification, of vhich I will speak later.
be Rill you please turn to Par: 10.


16 - 12 aralyze

yresen$ ani future political ani commonrelations of the

Federal Republic with tha Kestern Commmity, We sey in Par—io’ ani Por. 13 on p. 21 (READ first sentence).






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