~3The measurement of body radiation by such analysis is very sensitive an
guires complex electronic equipment and personnel highly trained in ele

from Brooknaven National Laboratory.

Personnel exsosure to zecca radiation: Gamma levels on the isl

were derived from data furnished by other radiological survey groups.

The résults of the personnel monitoring data on people living at =
since 1969 are presented in the accompanying-tables.

analyses are presented on Table I.

Tne data on urine

Note that average pCi/liter for Bit

urine compared with Rongelap was for 995. 2.5/3.8 and for

Cs 638/32%

Based on standard guide lines (International Congress of Radiation Prot
ICRP) these isotopas have been well below maximum pernissible levels.
assuring also is the virtual absence of plutoniua in the sauples.

... 137

for internally adsorbed
presented in Table 2.




Cs as measured by spectrographic analyses a

Nore the average values for males and fecales o1

Bikini compared with those on Rongelap (in nCi/pg body weight) was 1.4
again well below the maximum permissible levals.
and 2 show that body burden (extrapolated) for


The graphs in figure
““Sr and


Cs in the 3

people are well below the peak vaives noted in the Rongelap people.
Rongelap people reached ao peak of 6-11% of the maxisnun 90. permissibl
level (for general populations) and of about 22% for 13405.

These low

values for internally absorbed radionuclides is in accord with the fac
that the people on Bikini have been subsisting mainly on imported food
The contribution of gamma radiation to the people on 3ixial is somewha
Sreater than oa Rongealap.



Select target paragraph3