
Raciatioa there is too-slight for medical studies to be of interest

since no radiation effects would likely be detectable.

Tre urine collection

and measurements of the body for radioactivity are not mecical procedures
and are done by technicians.

These measurements are important since they

form the basis for reassurance of the people living on Bikini regarding
their radiological safecty.

Though we are not doing mecical exaninatioas

if our doctors are at Bikini, as in the past, we will always be glad to
see, treat and prescribe for any peopie that are sick - but only at the
request of the individual or the health aide.

Unless requested by the

people it is not even necessary for our doctors to go to Bikini.
In 1959 personnel monitoring procedures were begun on a group or 36
workmen at a work camp on Eneu Island.

By 1972 about 3 Bikini fanilies

had moved back (about 50) and also about 25-30 workers and agriculturiszs.
Radiological monitoring at Bikini has been carried out anavally since 1956S.
fn2 size of the population has not changed much since 1973.
In order to assess the radiological hazard the following personnel
monitoring procedures have been carried out:

Radiochemical analyses on urine samoles:

pooled samples).

(individual 24 hour ane

These analyses require complicated chemical procecures

and are done for us by the ERDA Health and Safety Laboratory in New York

Such radiochemical analyses have also been carried out on water

and local. food products.

Direct measurement of radiation in the people by cama soecizo-

graphic cnaiysis: To do this tons of radiation-free lead bricks were shipped
to the Marshalls end a shielded couating facility set up in one of our airconditioned trailers and transported to Bikini on our vessel (LCU-Likcatur).





Select target paragraph3