~4&Table 3 compares the total bone marrow dose (the critical organ for

somatic radiation effects) for people living at Bikini, Rongelap, Ucirik,
Long Island, New York and Denver, Colorado.

Since the people living at

Denver have a considerably higher natural radiation and medical, dencal
contribution, the exposure to the people living there is probably higher
than people living on Bikini.

The estimated dose to people on Long Island

is somewhat less than Bikini doses, alsa it might be noted that many

thousands of people living in areas of South America anc India are expose

to higher levels than indicated for Bikini due to high thorium contenc of
the soil.

There have been no reports of increased cancer or otner illness

in Denver or these other high level populations that might be related to

their increased radiation exposure. BEST AVAILABLE copy
More recent data from radiological surveys last June at Bikini shoving
higher than expected radiation levels in the interior of Bikini and higher

levels in paadanus and breadfruit have resulted in some further vestrictions
on the future living patterns of the Bikini people.

aAt the time of the Ad

Hoc Committee meeting it was not kmown about plans for building houses in

Recommendations to put the first village

and food crops on Eneu were not followed, nor was the recommendation


the interior of Bikini Island,

remove topsoil from planting sites of pandanus and breadfruit on Bikini

The xecommendation for the addition of powdered milk to the diac

of the people is being implemented.

The restriction regarding consumption





of pandanus and breadfruit may eventually be removed following
on growth of these plants at Eniwetak.

pernissivle range.
4 There maar tir

Based oa these findings the well water is in the

water samples from Bikini.

Table 4 shows results of analyses of

Catchment (rain) water is very low in activity.

thaw Phe Lancer

sncedince th

With cae

Comer oy th, Lange fem nt oe,



Select target paragraph3